structure initialization

英 [ˈstrʌktʃə(r) ɪˌnɪʃəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] 美 [ˈstrʌktʃər ɪˌnɪʃələˈzeɪʃn]

网络  结构初始化



  1. According to the characteristics of product structure design in boiler industry, the function characteristics and the system structure of the boiler design circumstance were discussed, and the system initialization technology was expounded.
  2. The paper introduces the structure of DVB-T single frequency network, emphasises on analyzing the principle of SFN adapter and the structure of mega-frame and mega-frame initialization packet. Finally exemplifies how the DVB_T transmitters is synchronized in the single frequency network.
  3. Introduction to the advanced technique adopted in this project-SERCOS, the first international standard in motion control. Operation method, data transmission, data structure, data type and initialization of SERCOS are mainly discussed in this chapter.
  4. After the course used C language to develop the project and the project structure is introduced, the arrangement of the software programming of this thesis is analyzed. Main discussion includes the system initialization and the arrangement of interrupt handling.
  5. The first part is structure and optimizes design of reducer parts: Using MFC resource to edit parameter initialization interface of reducer.
  6. The structure of main computer and DSP is applied in system. Main computer provides man-machine interface and manages initialization of load parameter and processing of test data. An intelligent control system is formed by DSP and IPM.
  7. The general structure of system includes many modules of initialization of assembly modeling, acquirement of assembly process files, movable picture and simulation of assembly process.
  8. The software structure include initialization module, low-voltage distinguish module, keystroke identifying module, setting keystroke module and display module etc.
  9. The code the USB driver is implemented. The data structure of USB driver, initialization and interface functions are described in detail. 4.
  10. The master routine general structure is carring on all kinds of initialization, and then waiting for the sampling period signal interrupt request.
  11. So the structure initialization is a key factor to support the organization adjusted quickly.
  12. Consequently, the property structure, the initialization of stock rights and the profit allocation system of the joint stock-cooperative system were analyzed from the aspect of enterprise property system.
  13. A structure having less energy cost in its initialization stage might have higher energy cost in its maintenance stage.
  14. Finally the author completed task management program structure and processes in maglev elevator control system, including the μ C/ OS-ⅱ system initialization process, the processor initialization process and multi-task function modules of the program flow system.
  15. On this basis, we have studied and improved identification system of the existing network applications, design and proposed a rule tree classification structure of the system initialization.